Waffles has been slowly getting weaker over the last three days, I thought maybe she was tired or having a growth spurt or something. When I checked on them early Sunday morning, she was tilting her head way back and looking like she was gasping for air. As soon as I touched her she kind of snapped out of it and started walking around, but shortly after the head tilting resumed. Not knowing what to do, I left her alone, hoping it was normal. By Sunday night Omlette (now named Orange to spare the feelings of Youngest,) was also doing it to a lesser extreme. Afraid it may be contagious, I separated them and googled like mad what it could be. I couldn't find anything other than Aspergillosis, which didn't cover all their symptoms, and didn't seem likely seeing as they have a dry, clean environment. Because that is not contagious, and because it was easier, I put them back in the brooder where they seemed happier and pecked around, eating and drinking. They were still weak and Waffles did not seem to be her bossy, pecking self. I fully expected her to pass yesterday (Monday) but she held on. I texted my Sister, the vet, and she recommended Terramycin. I don't want to medicate unnecessarily, so I googled some more and found what's called Stargazing. The videos and pictures look just like what Waffles, and a lesser extent, Orange was doing. It said it is caused by a vitamin deficiency from weak hens, or feeding medicated starter feed, which blocks the absorption of Vitamin E and Vitamin B1 (thiamin.) I picked up Poly-Vi-Sol, Vitamin E oil, and Vitamin B1 tablets and administered a drop of the PVS to the two sickies. I also added a half dropper to the mason jar waterer for the rest of the chicks to give them a boost. Waffles and Orange took it like champs, maybe they were just too weak to fight. Poor dears. I crushed the B1 and mixed it with some corn grits and gave it to them only. They wouldn't even eat it, didn't even care, when just 4 days ago they were fighting to eat those grits! Finally Orange started pecking at it, but Waffles only ate a little.
Today Waffle's neck seems better. She is covered in Vitamins and Oil, but at least she's fighting the administration. She's still really weak, but I can tell she's improving. Today Orange is suffering from runny eyes and a snotty nose. I can not believe it. I did pick up some antibiotic and have put it in all of their drinking water.
Because of the nice weather, the chicks got to spend some time outside, digging in the garden boxes and eating bugs. They seem to enjoy it, even Waffles liked it Sunday!
I like how their back feathers are coming in, they grow so much everyday! Popcorn is still the biggest, and Waffles the second biggest, Nando is the smallest and her wing feathers are hardly there at all!
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