Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Ripe Tomatoes

I've harvested 3 tomatoes as of today, and so many more are blushing.  My large plant is super producing, and the other 3 smaller plants are about a quarter of the size, but still have fruit.  

I have 3 butternut squashes, one big squash and 2 on the vine, I've lost three small ones that have rotted off the bud. 

My cucumber plant has rallied and is coming back with authority, taking over the entire trellis for one plant. 

My beans are sprouting and setting their third sets of leaves, so I'm hopeful they will produce before the fall freeze. 

A mole (vole?)  pulled a celery plant into it's hole,  and there are many other holes popping up in the garden as well.  Not my favorite rodent right now.  I can't find my camera, so no pictures today :(

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Right On Cue....

The Japanese Beetles are here!  I found 3 in the garden today, and one in my hair after I came inside.  I looked back to last year, and my post about the beetles invasion was July 31st.  Must be the time!  I have found some stuck to the fence, trying to get in, so maybe the fence is also keeping some of them out?  So far no more hornworms, but some sort of goose or large bird ate our blueberries and promptly pooped all around the bush.  That was a nice surprise. 

The beans I planted last week in the potato plot are sprouting and growing nicely.  There is much more room after the zucchini plant was pulled out, and I have FOUR butternut squashes starting on the two plants.  I hope they continue.  My cucumber bush which got chowed down is coming back, and sprawling out to take over the trellis. 

I have one tomato blushing and 3 mystery squashes growing in the lettuce plot where I added the dirt from the worm garden. 


I love the borage flowers and Oldest enjoys eating them and the leaves.  I also am happy with the butterfly flowers, I wish the annuals grew from seed, maybe next year!   Overall, this garden  has been so much harder, yet it still seems fun!

Pictures from this weekend.