Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Seeds of the Month Club

Another awesome gift I received from Santa was a membership to the Seeds of the Month Club.  Every month I receive Organic or Non-GMO seeds that are sent at random.  I got two months of seeds today:

Endive (Never had)
Cubanelle Pepper (Haven't had much luck with Peppers, maybe these are the winners!)
Buttercup Squash (LOVE growing Squash)
Turnips, White Egg (Never Had)
Spinach, Bloomsdale
Rutabaga (Never had, super fun to say.)
Kale, Blue Cured Scotch
Collards (Never had)
Tomato, Delicious
Cabbage, Charleston

I got this cool photo album at the dollar tree to put them in for easy storage.  I don't feel like getting off the sofa to take a picture of it though.  I'll update whenever I get new seeds, and also how the new variates work. 

White Christmas

Whoever has been dreaming of a white christmas can stop now.  It's enough.  I have never in my life seen so much snow.  Apparently on the 23rd a snow cell got stuck over our city and dumped 18 + inches over a 6 hour period.  It is about a 10 mile radius that was affected.  We are the middle.  This is what I woke up to Yesterday morning. 

I had to shovel a path to the coop, shovel open the door, knock the snow off the fence on the roof, and shovel a path to the water.  I also put down shavings, since I am so nice. 
The cluckers did not know what to think. 

They enjoyed their oatmeal, and still laid me two eggs!  I have been getting two eggs a day everyday since the 13th, except today, when I got THREE!! It's a christmas miracle, 3 EGGS!  I have 4 squatting, all three Isa Browns, and Patty the Barred Rock squat whenever I come near them.  We got about 4 more inches of snow today, but the shoveling wasn't so hard this time.
Overall, it was a great day, I got an Ecobrooder for the upcoming spring, and the incredible Egg Scale, which we weighed all our eggs on today.  (They were mostly medium, one large) 
Merry Christmas!

Friday, December 13, 2013

7 months later....


The chickens are 22 1/2 weeks old today and this morning I found an egg lying in the shavings, I squealed so loudly the neighborhood dogs were all barking.  I initiated the Twilight Bark, except it was more like the Daybreak Bark.  When I got home from lunch I went to change the water and found ANOTHER egg lying in the run, covered in mud and poo.  I'm sure it was two of the Isa Browns, since for the last week they have been squatting everytime I came into the run.  The eggs are perfect.  Big, brown, even and have a beautiful smooth hard shell. 

The weather has been frightful, without getting above 20 for over a week, and no break in the cold in the 10 day forecast.   I really figured I wouldn't see an egg since spring, it has been frigid, but Isa Browns are apparently AWESOME at lying eggs.  Even in the cold.  I'm excited to see if there's anymore in the coop tomorrow and also to eat them for breakfast.  I considered bronzing them, but that seems a little excessive. 

I've decided to decorate a little, they seem to enjoy the run being festive.