Monday, May 27, 2013

Memorial Day Weekend Work.

The chicks are improving, Waffles is mostly back to normal, and Orange is slowly improving from her cold.  My Sister gave me some eye cream for Orange's swollen, crusty eyes and it seems to be working really well!  I have been mixing Corn Grits, vitamins, and Apple Cider Vinegar for their treats every night and they scarf it down!  I'm not sure if it's doing anything, but it makes me feel better thinking they are getting them down. 
The last couple of years we have tackled some big projects and this year we chopped down some trees to make room for my Chicken Castle! 

 We also made roosting poles!  So many branches were cut down. 
I hilled my potatoes so they have just the tops sticking out, and transplanted the squash from indoors to the garden.  I also finished planting all my seeds.  Now we just wait. 
 Of course, the Chickens got to play too:  Here you can see Orange's crusty eye and Waffles back to her old self. 
I like this picture because they are in such a hurry!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Stargazing Chicks

Waffles has been slowly getting weaker over the last three days, I thought maybe she was tired or having a growth spurt or something.  When I checked on them early Sunday morning, she was tilting her head way back and looking like she was gasping for air.  As soon as I touched her she kind of snapped out of it and started walking around, but shortly after the head tilting resumed.  Not knowing what to do, I left her alone, hoping it was normal.  By Sunday night Omlette (now named Orange to spare the feelings of Youngest,) was also doing it to a lesser extreme.   Afraid it may be contagious, I separated them and googled like mad what it could be.  I couldn't find anything other than Aspergillosis, which didn't cover all their symptoms, and didn't seem likely seeing as they have a dry, clean environment.  Because that is not contagious, and because it was easier, I put them back in the brooder where they seemed happier and pecked around, eating and drinking.   They were still weak and Waffles did not seem to be her bossy, pecking self.   I fully expected her to pass yesterday (Monday) but she held on.  I texted my Sister, the vet, and she recommended Terramycin.  I don't want to medicate unnecessarily, so I googled some more and found what's called Stargazing.   The videos and pictures look just like what Waffles, and a lesser extent, Orange was doing.  It said it is caused by a vitamin deficiency from weak hens, or feeding medicated starter feed, which blocks the absorption of Vitamin E and Vitamin B1 (thiamin.) I picked up Poly-Vi-Sol, Vitamin E oil, and Vitamin B1 tablets and administered a drop of the PVS to the two sickies. I also added a half dropper to the mason jar waterer for the rest of the chicks to give them a boost.  Waffles and Orange took it like champs, maybe they were just too weak to fight. Poor dears.  I crushed the B1 and mixed it with some corn grits and gave it to them only.  They wouldn't even eat it, didn't even care, when just 4 days ago they were fighting to eat those grits!  Finally Orange started pecking at it, but Waffles only ate a little.   

Today Waffle's neck seems better.  She is covered in Vitamins and Oil, but at least she's fighting the administration.  She's still really weak, but I can tell she's improving.  Today Orange is suffering from runny eyes and a snotty nose.  I can not believe it.  I did pick up some antibiotic and have put it in all of their drinking water. 
Because of the nice weather, the chicks got to spend some time outside, digging in the garden boxes and eating bugs.  They seem to enjoy it, even Waffles liked it Sunday!

I like how their back feathers are coming in, they grow so much everyday!   Popcorn is still the biggest, and Waffles the second biggest, Nando is the smallest and her wing feathers are hardly there at all! 

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Baby Chicks are hard to raise.

We are back down to 7 chicks.  Orange, the Orpington passed Thursday afternoon.   I am bummed, and have no idea why we have lost 3?  That seems like a lot.  It's funny, but when I ordered my chicks I was so sure about which breeds I wanted, I researched them, and the number I wanted.  Now I am happy with how ever many survive.  When I went to pick up the chicks I was upset because they gave me a speckled sussex instead of a Wyandotte.  Now, Popcorn is my favorite chick!  She looks like a little hawk, and her feathers are so pretty!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Expanding Gardens and Boxes

Today I put the fence up in the garden, and realized I don't have enough due to the expansions for the blueberry bushes.  Bummer.  I'm debating whether to get another 100' $20 fence, or figure out a filler.   Hopefully it's around enough to deter critters for awhile.  Speaking of Critters, I haven't seen or heard a chipmunk all spring.  I hope I don't Jinx it.

I also expanded the Brooder, because they spilled their whole jug of water so I had to remove the entire floor of the box and replace it.  They are now in a square, they don't really seem to notice.  I also changed to the red light, since it's warmer and they are a week old now, hopefully it will stop them pecking at each other.   Really the only one who is doing the pecking is Waffles.  That chick will not stop pecking at everyone's wings.  I don't know what's up. 

They are sleeping now, because they are so tired from being outside all day.  I set up a triangle cardboard box which they seemed very happy in, I can't wait to get them outside all the time!


Tuesday, May 14, 2013

And then there were 8.

We added three new chicks to the flock tonight, a replacement French Wheaton Marans and Barred Rock and an additional Bluebell.  We named them Nugget, Nando, and Blueberry, in order.  They are getting along great with the old chicks, who probably can't count to realize there are more now.  I distracted them with some corn grits, so they were going crazy when the new chicks were dropped in.  Waffles still seems to be in charge, but her sister Blueberry might give her a run for it.  All the new chicks were hatched the same day, and they are generally the same size. 

Before:  5 Chicks.

 After:  8 Chicks!

Sisters, Waffles and Blueberry.  Blueberry appears to have wonky toes and blue legs.  I'm not sure if that's normal or not.  I'm hoping it is.

 Going crazy for the Corn Grits:  They LOVE those grits. 

 Sleepy Dumpling with his belly full of dandelions and corn:

Sunday, May 12, 2013

New Fence Posts

We added some fence posts tonight to expand the fence to include the Blueberry Bushes, hopefully we will be able to eat a couple this year!   The peas and lettuce, spinach and carrots are growing too.  It is supposed to freeze tonight, I'm not too excited about that.  Hoping my "cold hardy" plants live up to their name.  The dirt is saturated from the two days of rain, so that should help protect them too. 

The potatoes are going crazy, I am going to have an early crop.  I have some sprouting for second planting in the pantry, I'm hoping to continuously plant throughout the summer. 

In sad news, we lost "Spicy" last night.  She was laying stiff and dead in the box this morning.  I have no idea why, she wasn't acting sick or weak or anything, always the aggressive one.  Hopefully I can get 3 more next week to replace the 2 I lost.  And get it back to an even number.  I guess 7 was not lucky :(

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Cute chicken video

This is how I found the chicks this morning, with Waffle's wing around Orange, and then both of them falling over, asleep.  They are not too interested in the Spinach I put out for them, much to busy sleeping.

They seem to be doing very well tonight, I can see their wing feathers coming in and the colors on them.  I found some Organic Corn Grit that they LOVE, I hope it keeps them happy and not pecking at each other. 

I never heard back from the Hatchery, I'm kind of bummed to not get anymore this year, but next year I'll be sure to get 2 (or 3, 4?) more.  

Friday, May 10, 2013

New Members of the Familly

We picked up Seven Chicks last night!!   Usually I'm weird about numbers, and need to make them even, or round up the cents at work to make it an even number, but I decided on 7 because I couldn't eliminate one of my breed choices.  And Oldest is Seven.  And it was my father-in-law's favorite number.  I ended up with a Barred Rock, Amerucana, Speckled Sussex, Bluebell, Lemon Orpington, Golden Sex Link, and French Wheaton Marans.  They are all so little!  I'm happy with the place we got them, Cedar Creek Hatchery, they were very easy to work with and treated me really well even though I only bought a small amount of chicks. 

I had one chick with Pasty Butt last night, but she's taken care of and it hasn't come back.  I thought I had two more cases, but it turns out Chicks have umbilical cords!  Who knew?  I was trying to clean it off and it wasn't working.  I hope I didn't stress the chicks out too much, but they seem to be fine now. 

 Unfortunately, we did lose one tonight.  The Marans was very groggy last night and didn't seem to want to eat or drink.  Today I tried to feed her with a syringe a mash of chick feed, cornmeal and sugar water, she took some of it, but shook her head a lot and I'm not sure how much she actually got down.  I was sad she didn't move at all and her breathing seemed labored.  Sure enough, tonight when I went to check on her, she had passed.  The girls are not upset, I made sure they knew it was possible.  Youngest was actually excited to put her in the woods because "maybe a snake would eat her and she's so small it's like a nugget!"  I have a message into the Hatchery, hopefully I can pick up a new chick tomorrow.  If not, I'm sure we'll be getting a couple more next year, they really are so funny!   One thing I am loving is how they will be picking around, walking, eating and then just fall over, asleep.

Our coop is being painted now, good thing they're too little for it yet!  The peeping is adorable, and the GIRLS LOVE Them, now that they all seem to be doing well, we have named them.  Clockwise starting with the black Barred Rock on top - Spicy (She's a stinker!), Speckled Sussesx - Popcorn, Amerucana - Dumpling, Bluebell - Waffles (Oldest's), GSL - Omelet, Lemon Orpington - Orange (Youngest's)

I don't know if I'll be able to sleep again tonight, I'm afraid something will happen to my babies!