Friday, May 25, 2012

Chipmunks are annoying

Our house is rampant with Chipmunks.  Or "micemunks" as Youngest calls them.  The only good thing about chipmunks is they attract owls.  Except ours are failing miserably because I have yet to see an owl.  So, instead, the chipmunks are burrowing under our house, in the garden beds, and eating my seeds.  They also chirp at all hours and it bugs me. 
I was thinking about having our cousin's kid come over with his pellet gun and shoot them.  But Steve says no.  Also, apparently it's really hard to shoot chipmunks.  Because their small and stealthy and super fast. 
In good news:  My garden (what's left of it) is growing.  The lettuce and spinach is sprouting.  The potatoes are massive.  Half the beans are sprouting.  It's the funnest time when we get to watch everything grow.  Also, our new waterfall sprinkler can water the whole garden so I don't have to use those drip hoses. 
I thought there were deer prints around the garden tonight and I was sad.  Then I realized it was just the neighbor's dogs. 
The three day weekend is upon us and the plan is to power wash and stain the deck, swim in the pool, potty train Youngest and go to the beach.  And clean the house and downstairs closet.  And relax? 

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Almost there!

I've got two more projects to accomplish; planting the red potatoes, and lying down the straw in the walkways.  Today I finished planting seeds, and set trellises for the cucumbers and morning glories.  I also sprayed weed killer in the walkways so the weeds won't grow through the straw. 
My peas are sprouting, along with the spinach and lettuce.  The butternut squash I transplanted isn't looking too good, but I hope with the warmer weather this week it will pop back up. 
OH! My new hoses came today!  They're little 15 footers and they're really cute.  So, all the irrigation is ready to go!  I can't wait until everything starts sprouting.  I really love the spring and summer most of all. 

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Mother's Day

Everything in the garden is prepped and ready to go.  I've got the broccoli plants transplanted and my one Butternut Squash plant who sprouted transplanted.  The girls helped me make nice straight rows of the yukon gold potatoes, and there are even some sprouting in last year's bed!  The lettuce and spinach have yet to sprout, and the peas are growing nicely.
Thursday I ordered some irrigation supplies from Amazon, and I hope they get here before the heat next week.  The plan for Mother's day is to finish planting the seeds, especially beans and peppers, and relax a little bit.  This year I am making demands on Mother's Day.  I am the best mother in this house, therefore I should be able to get what I want on my special day.  I know I won't be receiving presents, but the only gift I want is spending time with my family and being able to do what I want.  Which includes going to lunch and running errands with my Mother-in-Law.  I guess she's important too.  I can't believe it's been four years since my Father-in-law died, I know we will all be thinking of him tomorrow too. 

Saturday, May 5, 2012

2012 Season

May is here already, and I am ready for a new gardening season!!  We enjoyed produce through the winter and the squash was delicious on Thanksgiving.  I'm again doubling my garden, adding one 4x4 box and one 3x9 box.  Maybe I'm not doubling it, I'm not good at the maths.  I haven't charted exactly where everything will go, but tonight we filled the new boxes and planted the broccoli sprouts from Weesies.  The pea trellis is up and peas are planted, a couple are sprouting.  Oldest's garden is filled with celery, her choice, and she informed me she was saving her watermelon seeds to plant there too.
Inside, I have seeds sprouting in eggshells.  I saved shells all winter, and they make convenient little pots.  So far I have a butternut squash striving and some butterfly bushes I'm planning on putting in our "Fairy garden."  I'm hoping for some peppers popping up, I'll keep hoping as they haven't yet. 
New this year are 3 blueberry bushes.  I can't remember the varieties.  One is early blooming, one is mid blooming and one is late blooming.  Hopefully we'll have berries because with the crazy spring weather the news is saying all produce will be cut way back this year. 

I still need to figure out how I'm going to irrigate all the beds.  I got a new waterfall sprinkler, it should be pretty useful.  Next week I hope to add the potatoes (a whole box of them!) and get the straw for the mulch walkways.  That will look sooooo nice.