I was talking to my M-I-L, and mentioned the snake, and she said the neighbor boy loves snakes. She called him over and he got the snake free! He stuck his hand right in it's mouth and cut it free. It slithered away and probably died, but at least not in my fence! We determined it was a Hognose Snake, which eats frogs, and it was a big one.
In other news, the fence is really working. The chipmunks are still frolicking, and they're not all dead. My beans, however, are not there. I have one soybean plant. Everything else is not worth it. All the lettuce and spinach was harvested and delicious. Cucumbers were eaten before they grew, but we ate a zucchini for lunch. After 3+ days in this heat wave, the garden is growing fast and needing lots of water! No pictures lately, but I'm pleased with how the fence is working. I feel like I've put a lot of work into the garden this year, and for the last 10 days I haven't touched it, beside harvesting and watering. I think I'm burned out a little. It's all good though.
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