Wednesday, December 25, 2013

White Christmas

Whoever has been dreaming of a white christmas can stop now.  It's enough.  I have never in my life seen so much snow.  Apparently on the 23rd a snow cell got stuck over our city and dumped 18 + inches over a 6 hour period.  It is about a 10 mile radius that was affected.  We are the middle.  This is what I woke up to Yesterday morning. 

I had to shovel a path to the coop, shovel open the door, knock the snow off the fence on the roof, and shovel a path to the water.  I also put down shavings, since I am so nice. 
The cluckers did not know what to think. 

They enjoyed their oatmeal, and still laid me two eggs!  I have been getting two eggs a day everyday since the 13th, except today, when I got THREE!! It's a christmas miracle, 3 EGGS!  I have 4 squatting, all three Isa Browns, and Patty the Barred Rock squat whenever I come near them.  We got about 4 more inches of snow today, but the shoveling wasn't so hard this time.
Overall, it was a great day, I got an Ecobrooder for the upcoming spring, and the incredible Egg Scale, which we weighed all our eggs on today.  (They were mostly medium, one large) 
Merry Christmas!

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