Sunday, July 31, 2011

Beetles Invasion

Did you know the formal name of Beetles are Coleoptera? I didn't either, but now I do. It reminds me of Cleopatra. I wish Cleopatra had come to my house instead of these Japanese Beetles. Actually, ghosts are creepy so maybe not. Nope, it'd still be better than these pesky bugs.
So, I have been picking off the beetles from my pole beans and potato plants, and tonight there were only 3. Every night there have been less and less beetles, and I hope they haven't mated and spawned their infesting eggs. Last year there were NO problems with bugs. This year, there have been. I'm not going to post a picture, because they're gross, and if you don't know what one looks like, consider yourself lucky.
We ate a Jalepeno from the garden on nachos, it was SO spicy! My lips were burning, and my fingernails were burning, and I have so many left! Too bad the deer ate all my green peppers and not those! Everything is growing so good, we have so many beans, and zucchinis, and have been digging for potatoes, which is like christmas digging under the tree for a present! My Butternut Squash is growing really long, I have looped it around the garden and pulled out the broccoli stalks to make room. The tomato's bottom leaves are still yellowing and falling off, but the tomatoes are growing nicely. There are a lot of them too! So far, it's been more challenging this year, but also more rewarding!

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