Wednesday, June 5, 2013

How fast one month goes!

The chicks are 4 weeks old today!  They are still alive!   My gift to them was an adult feeder, and I raised their waterer on a box.  They don't seem too impressed.  Spoiled Chicks.  We went to Family Farm and Home to get shavings and the feeders.  It was cheaper than amazon, so that's saying something! 

Today I also dug up a lilac bush that is growing next to my work.  It used to be a beautiful tree until it was chopped down completely last year.  Now the suckers are growing up all around and taking over the lawn.  I removed a section of suckers and transplanted them into my garden.  I plan to take another section after I put the chicken run in so I can plant it by the coop.  To make it smell pretty. 

Because Husband weed-whacked my pumpkin plants dead I also went to the garden store and bought started pumpkins.  Yes, I'm a cheater, but it's way too late to start pumpkins from seed and it's not my fault He doesn't know what a weed isn't.  I also bought 2 Broccoli and 2 tomato plants because I'm paranoid mine won't grow, and I can't live without fresh produce!  What kind of gardener would I be with no tomates?  I happened to be wearing my Grateful Dead shirt to the store, and so I had to pick up some Scarlet Begonias.  They were on sale.  It was a sign.  They will be planted in the two barrels at the entrance to the garden.

It was cold and rainy today, so no pictures of the chicks on their birthday, hopefully this weekend they can get out and scratch!  These are pictures from 3 days ago, and they are already so much bigger than this! 

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